Friday, April 13, 2018

Almost done!

Welcome back!

So today we have officially finished everything! The video is finally complete and so is our poster, and website. We had some trouble with the lighting during Leahs grandpas interview and tried to fix it the best that we could but it still didn't really come out as planned. Another problem we encountered was the audio. Apparently during our interview towards the end, it slightly moved and we had some tech issues.

Sadly because of the timing we are not able to reshoot. But besides that everything in my opinion came out great.

Our poster idea however was changed. Originally we wanted to do something like this:


But ended up doing something like this:

We decided this look would be more interesting and capture peoples attention a bit more then the original idea. This has our title "Perception" written going downward and the faces of our cast in black and white filling in the lettering.

Until next time!

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Welcome back!

So we are definitely coming down to the last couple days of working on our project. Like I said in my last post, me and Gaby really took charge of creating the website while Maria is completing the editing.

Today I spent some time doing the website. I'm having a bit of trouble with the color schemes. I originally wanted to go for something in black and white since I thought it'd look great with the contrast of the poster.

As you can tell though the color scheme made the website look more like a scary movie website rather than what we were really trying to do. Instead, I decided to use a light pink instead of the white and where the black goes I used a grayish color.

I also did some research on other documentary films and with that was able to create the different tabs. However since me and Gaby are both working on the same site, many times it causes the website to glitch. Ive had to rewrite our cast list over 5 times because of the fact that it keeps getting deleted.

Until next time!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Work work work

Welcome back!

The due date for this project is coming up FAST and we still have a lot to complete. The three of us decided to split the work in order to try and get as much done as fast as we can. Maria said she could do the editing, she works great with editing and camera work, and Gaby and me are going to focus on the website. The poster is something we plan on doing together, quickly in class.

For the website, I began to research other websites to see how they have made theirs. Heres an example of Cartel Land which is a documentary we watched in class a few months ago.

As you can tell there first page screen is basically a poster. This is something we plan on doing as well. We want to also add in a team, film, distribution, and contact tab.

Until next time!

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Welcome back!

So today we got hit with having to come up with a title. We've been trying to think of something for so long but nothing ever really sticks. So we begin to think...

We wanted to do something with the word perceived since our whole tv series was based off of how different age groups are perceived. So we started to think of synonyms and things like that. I than mentioned my problem to one of my friends from the class and they said why not  name it "Across the Ages".

This was definitely not something to do with what we had originally thought of but when I mentioned it to Maria and Gaby, they loved it! It fits perfectly because our film technically is "across the ages". This will also go great with our poster and how it reflects people from different age groups and things like that.

So for now, the title is officially... Across the Ages!

Until next time!

Friday, April 6, 2018

More about my poster

Welcome back!

So today in class we had to get into groups with our peers and review our work. I mentioned to them more about our poster. Once we came up with our last idea we realized that to get all these people in the same area at the same time was going to be extremely hard.

Because of this we decided to do something a bit different. We wanna take pictures of six different age groups: child, teen, 20s, mid 30s, 50s, elderly. With these six pictures we wanna make a collage in black and white. We plan on taking the photographs from the shoulders above in order to emphasize their age and what they look like. Or how they're "perceived."

This is how we kind of want out poster to turn out like:

By using the filter of the black and white we hope to make the show seem a little more dramatic and serious. Keep in mind that we want our pictures going up and down. So 2 columns with 3 pictures of each going down. This will help shape it into more of a poster shape.

Until next time!

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Welcome back!

So Maria, of course being the over achiever she is LOL, decided to help us all out and make a small rough draft on what our poster is going to look like. This week, with everything going on spring break wise, we have sadly fallen behind schedule. We were already supposed to be finished with editing but we have only just started.

We still however want to continue to move forward. So this is the rough ROUGH draft for our poster:

As you can tell this is just the very very beginning of it. We do want to line up different people from a different ages, sit them down and take a picture. We want to really emphasize the whole age difference theme since our show is categorized into different age groups.

Until next time!